Breylee Rose Hydrating Serum

Breylee Rose Hydrating Serum

Brand: Collections|Category: Health & Beauty


660.00-31% Off

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Specification of the Breylee Rose Hydrating Serum


Description of the Breylee Rose Hydrating Serum

This product contains natural rose essence and adopts a cold-pressing extraction process to keep every drop of flower essence fresh. With the ability to deeply penetrate and nourish the skin to keep it energized, this serum can remove dryness, roughness and fine lines and its natural active plant agents can induce dead skin to fall off more quickly.

What is the price of Breylee Rose Hydrating Serum in Bangladesh?

Explore the latest price of the Breylee Rose Hydrating Serum in Bangladesh, listed at BDT 453.00. You can buy the Breylee Rose Hydrating Serum at the best price from We're your top choice for online shopping in Bangladesh!

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