Moby Baby Moon Walk

Moby Baby Moon Walk

Brand: Collections|Category: Health & Beauty


960.00-22% Off

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Specification of the Moby Baby Moon Walk

Description of the Moby Baby Moon Walk

  1. MOON WALK helps the child to walk in secure way by the help of an adult. MOON WALK helps the child to walk in balance and free.
  2. Make sure the plastic locks are tightened.
  3. Keep the child away from flammable substances
  4. Should not leave the children while using MOON WALK unattached
  5. MOON WALK designed to help the child to walk in comfort and safely
  6. Size: 65cm – 67cm height and it is adjustable. It can hold up to 17kg weight It is suitable for 8-16 months babies.
  7. Came with a box, wrap it and use it as a gift. Effective and most importantly no more back pain

What is the price of Moby Baby Moon Walk in Bangladesh?

Explore the latest price of the Moby Baby Moon Walk in Bangladesh, listed at BDT 752.00. You can buy the Moby Baby Moon Walk at the best price from We're your top choice for online shopping in Bangladesh!

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